
Thursday, 28 October 2010

Photography: Oh Memories!! (Wk 8)

One thing that I have to agree... that photography is brilliant! Photography is another way for us to remember the things of the past. We, humans, as we began to grow of age, we tend to forget the things that we do in our past. But that might not be true because some old people tend to still remember their past so vividly. However photography helps you preserve such small details in our past. We might take random pictures of anything that might not be remembered by us since it is just in such short time. Sometimes we could not remember the little things that had happened in our past. Some might be vague. Photography is somewhat like our memory joggers, a stimulation for our memories. It means whenever we look at a photograph of our past, our mind suddenly flashes a series of motion graphics that relates to the photograph.


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